The FilmHolders App
Shooting large format?
Tired of penning down the content of your film sheet holders on paper?
Maybe this is for you!
The FilmHolders App allows to store the status of your large format filmholdes. It is a one purpose application which does not aspire to solve other problems, like registering your 35mm or 120 rolls (you find better apps for this in the store).
I have also made sure that it is easy to save and reload the data, since part of the motivation was the frustrating experience that apps come and go in the app store. So if you don't want to feel notches in the dark you might want to use this functionality;)
I appreciate everybody using this app and giving feedback below. I programmed this purely for my needs and for my education but believe that I am not the only one in need of such an application.
The app is largely self-explanatory to those who have ever shot large format. It was tested extensively on my iPhone 12pro Max under iOS 15 but should work on older or newer models as well. Maybe the UI suffers a bit on smaller screens.
Version history
Version 1.0: Released September 20, 2021. Initial fully functional public version.
Version 1.1: Released September 23, 2021. Several UI bug fixes in, particularly in dark mode, holder overview now shows film type and film speed.
Version 2.0: Released September 26, 2021. Added optional use of camera type database.
Version 2.1: Released September 29, 2021. Expose with your voice and only one click: Added support for Siri commands, showing the holder database or, alternatively, only the holders with film sheets ready to expose.
Version 3.0: Released November 4, 2021. Added possibility to record a descriptive voice memo.
Version 3.1: Released November 4, 2021. Fixing a bug preventing persistency of voice memos.
Version 3.2: Released November 13, 2021: General overhaul of the print formatting. Now the print contains thumbnails of the images (if you stored any) connected to the exposure. You can now also print out a filtered view, e.g., only the exposed holders, directly from the film holder overview.
Version 3.3: Released December 30, 2021: Added possibility to edit film type and camera list entries directly. Added more camera format. Fixed a major issue with the audio recording function.
Version 3.4: Released December 5, 2021: Added a lens database and fixed a CSV export error.
Version 3.5: Released December 22, 2021: Fixing a major bug which changed back the film type in a holder to the first film in the database when the holder was edited.
Version 3.6: Released October 22, 2022: Fixing a bug where the lens name was not persistent if you used the lens database function.
Version 3.6.1: Released November 6, 2023: No new functionality, just ensuring future compatibility with Apple‘s app store. The main menu now rotates with the screen on iPhone 14 max and iPhone 15 (pro) max.
Version 3.6.2: Released November 26th, 2023. Removed the requirement to have GPS functionality on the device. Thus, the app now works also on iPads without cellular connectivity. Locations can still be added via Wifi localization or manual input.
Version 3.6.3: Released March 3, 2024. Fixes a bug which did not allow to take or select a descriptive picture.
Version 3.6.4: Released March 20, 2024. Added functionality to clear all holders at once by the press of a button.
Version 3.6.5: Released September 20, 2024. Minor bug fixes.
Version 3.6.6: Released November 18, 2024. Fixed an issue with size of print jobs which led to crashes for printing of databases with many pictures
Terms of Use and Privacy Statement
This app was checked by myself extensively and should not cause any damage to your system or any of its data. Nevertheless, I don’t take any responsibility for any loss of data or any other damage the app may do.
Also, while I strive to update the app for future iOS and iPhone versions to come, I cannot guarantee its working indefinitely. I strongly suggest that you regularly save the database to your iCloud or local directory. The files are structured in such a way that one can read them anytime with a standard text editor.
The app does use image and location data as well as other textual information which you decide to store. The app also uses the standard Apple interfaces to store or retrieve database content. No information or data are transmitted to the programmer of this app (myself) or to any third party.
(c) Guido Haak, La Celle-Saint-Cloud, France, March 2024
Want to give feedback, reporting errors, wishing for additional features or just leaving a general message?